Big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata). Photo: K.McCutcheon.

Big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) leaves have three tiny lobes at the tips. Photo: K.McCutcheon.

Big sagebrush
Artemisia tridentata
  • Leaves: Small, soft, gray-green with three-lobes at the tips (“trident” shaped).
  • Trunk: Thick and woody, shreddy bark.
  • Flowers: Long spikes of tiny yellow flowers (Aug-Oct).
  • Strong smelling leaves.

Record Observations

Species Description:

Big sagebrush is the state flower of Nevada. Sagebrush roots go deep, allowing this shrub a high degree of drought tolerance. A main taproot of up to 12 feet long transports water from deep down near the water table, and a system of shallower roots quickly soak up water near the soil surface after a rainstorm. Sagebrush are not tolerant of floods or fires – you won’t often find sagebrush living close to the river’s flood zone, although they are common along higher banks and in upland areas. An average sagebrush may produce around 350,000 seeds per year (Mozingo 1987).

Sagebrush leaves contain protective chemical compounds that make the plant taste bad to livestock and humans, however, certain native species (such as sage grouse, antelope, and mule deer) seem to be more tolerant, and often feed on sagebrush during winter or severe weather. Sagebrush leaves are high in protein, carbohydrates, and fat (Tirmenstein 1999). In summer, sagebrush often develops velvety purple galls on its branches, which are caused by a midge (insect).

Additional Images:
Big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) in bloom. Photo: K.McCutcheon.

Big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) in bloom. Photo: K.McCutcheon.

Photos & Information needed!

Do you have information on big sagebrush, or original photographs taken locally?  If so, please contribute photos and observations here, or email information to Thanks!



Mozingo, H. N. 1987. Shrubs of the Great Basin: A Natural History. Reno, NV: University of Nevada Press.

Murphey, E. V. 1959. Indian Uses of Native Plants. Fort Bragg, CA: Mendocino County Historical Society.

Price, J. 1962. Washo Economy (Nevada State Museum Anthropological Papers ed., Vol. 6). Carson City, NV: Nevada State Museum.

Tirmenstein, D. 1999. Artemisia tridentata spp. tridentata. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: [2015, January 5].

USDA. 2015. Artemisia tridentata. In: USDA Plants Database, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. Available [2015, January 5].


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